Club information 

 Our Purpose

“The purpose of the Club is to operate a charitable institution, without profit to its’ members, for the purposes of promoting and encouraging cross country skiing as a way of life among its’ members, developing cross country ski programs, trails, facilities and events for its’ members and the general public as well as training leaders, coaches, officials, skiers and others in the elements of cross country skiing.”


Ski Club Executive

General Manager: Tricia Wilson, [email protected]
President: Rick Watson, [email protected]
Vice President: Kevin Wilson, [email protected]
Secretary: Paul Donkersloot, [email protected]
Treasurer: Greg De Gagne, [email protected]
Director: Ray Mumby, [email protected]
Director: Mike McInnes, [email protected]
Director: Ian McAndrews, [email protected]
Director: Jens Peterson, [email protected]

Other important contacts

Membership: Kevin Dyck, [email protected] Communications: Kevin Dyck, [email protected]
Coach: Vacant (but not for long!), [email protected]
SDP Coordinators: Kathryn Fairweather and Steve Bamford: [email protected]


AGM Minutes

AGM 2018

AGM 2019

AGM 2020

Club Financials 



We need your support!

We keep our membership fees low to help make Nordic Skiing accessible, but they’re only enough to keep the lights on. Please consider donating to help maintain and improve the club.

Nickel Plate Nordic Centre is located 6.5 kms (4 miles) past Apex Mountain Resort on the Hedley/Nickel Plate Road, an all-weather road maintained by the BC Ministry of Highways.

Call: 250-292-8110

Email Us